Giving Tuesday on Black Friday

Black Friday: a day of rampant consumerism that comes after Thanksgiving, a day in which we reflect on what we're thankful for. Black Friday kicks off the Christmas shopping season. Coming into year two of the pandemic, we're facing supply chain issues and shortages on goods that are manufactured elsewhere. 

Things to consider if you're choosing to partake in Black Friday this year: 

- Shop from locally owned businesses. Making the choice to buy from them over a corporation can make a huge difference in their lives. Plus the chances of the money staying within your local economy are pretty good. 

- Shop with intention. Don't shop just to shop. Will your purchase be used by the recipient? 

- Shop for things made locally or on US soil. They're not stuck on some cargo ship off the coast waiting to get offloaded at one of the main ports. 

- Shop from businesses with social consciences.  Are they doing anything good or noble that's worth doing while being a business? 


Here at Enola Mae Atelier, we're doing Black Friday a bit differently. We're not doing a sale today. We're doing Giving Tuesday a few days early. "Oh okay Megan. But why?" 

Something that you might not know about me is that I'm the wife of a veteran and have a lot of veterans in my family. I have friends who are veterans. As a person, I have a huge heart that loves to give back to my community in any way that I can. Earlier this month was Veteran's Day so with a few days to go in the month of November, I chose to honor the Columbia Basin Veteran's Center today on Black Friday does Giving Tuesday. Their work in the Mid-Columbia Basin for our veterans makes a difference year-round. They help veterans file their VA claims, provide support services to all veterans and their families including a support fair annually as well as activities like fishing trips and yoga classes. 

30% of today's profits will be going to the Columbia Basin Veteran's Center and their efforts to start a program geared towards women veterans. 


From the Enola Mae Atelier family to you and yours,

Have a merry and bright holiday season! 









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